Many young campers have been waiting for this week at the Guronys village the entire year. National Alopecia Association once again invited everyone affected by alopecia disorder and those fighting cancer to spend 5 days far away from all the stereotypes, labels and insecurities.
Camp organized by the National Alopecia Association aims to gather children who lost hair because of different reasons.
Alopecia is an autoimune disorder, but fortunately, is painless, doesn't limit person's abilities and is not life threatening. Children fighting oncological diseases loose their hair during the treatment. Hair grows back after the cancer treatments, but Alopecia children might loose it for the rest of their lives. However, all the children run into similar issues after the diagnosis: fear, despair, emotional pain, self rejection. Knowing that you are not alone, that you can be yourself among these people without any hats or wigs, helps to gain confidence and strength upon returning to their daily lives.
The Mothers' Union that takes care of children fighting cancer, as well as the National Alopecia Association helping people affected by Alopecia are the Kazickas Family Foundation's grantees. For many years already foundation not only supports but is also committed and involved with their work.
Foundations's representatives Agne Vertelkaite and Gintaute Genender visited campers at the Guronys village where children's energy and smiles are the best THANK YOU to all that make this camp happen.
Thank you Egle Melinauskiene, Ruta Barkauskaite, Evelina Smulkstyte and all moms, dads, grandmas and children for a warm welcome.