Residence in Vilnius
The Kazickas Family Foundation had to be a bridge to Lithuania for Dr. J. P. Kazickas to unite his family members towards a common cause, to introduce his children to a strong sense of family and their Lithuanian heritage. The KFF Vilnius office is in the very heart of Lithuania's Capital - the Old Town, near the magnificent St. John's Church, in the vicinity of Great Dukes of Lithuania's castles and the University of Vilnius. Right by the office, is the Kazickas' Residence - renovated, restored, decorated and furnished in the spirit of the 19th Century Lithuanian aristocrat palace that is so characteristic of this Old Town site. Dr. Joseph P. Kazickas' Residence in Vilnius is a place where his children and grandchildren can return to their Lithuanian home.
"I have worked hard all my life. I always wanted to live beautifully, to have a warm and pretty home for my family and friends who visited us often," - said Dr. Kazickas at age 84, in 2002. The thought of making a home on St. John's Street (šv. Jono gatvėje) in the very heart of Vilnius did not come at once. Initially Dr. J. P. Kazickas was looking for a place to display his hunting trophies scattered over his several homes in Greenwich, East Hampton and Cat Cay. A building's location on St. John's Street held most memories: Joseph's Christmas date with his future wife Alexandra and nearby Vilnius University where both of them received their education.
The home was developed into a representational residence, adapted to the historical look of the site which is surrounded by monuments of ancient architecture. Dr. Kazickas felt as though he was repaying an old debt to Vilnius, the city of his studies, his youth and his love, a debt to Lithuania. It was in their Vilnius home, where in August of 2001, Dr. and Mrs. J. P. Kazickas family of twenty-one-members and over one hundred of their friends from Europe, United States and Australia gathered to celebrate their 60th wedding anniversary.