On May 5th, "Child's Gate to Learning" was honored with a life award "Gyvybės apdovanojimas" in Vilnius. Board member Daina Čyvas accepted the award from Archbishop Gintaras Grušas on behalf of the organization.
The award initiative, honoring individuals and organizations for their work respecting life, is in its fifth year, while "Child's Gate to Learning" has been supporting Lithuania's after school centers for twenty years.
"Child's Gate to Learning" shares few moments from the award ceremony and friendship with the Kazickas Family Foundation:
"In 2018 "Child's Gate to Learning" marks its 20th anniversary. The goals still remain the same: to take care of children from social risk families by supporting Day centers that work with them. Organization fosters volunteering on both sides of the Atlantic ocean and communicates with the Day centers in Lithuania, visits them and provides financial support. Day centers also use 5 character development programs that were created by the "Child's Gate to Learning" team. Since 2000 organization has sent 92 trained young American Lithuanian volunteers. Three of them went to Lithuania twice. Such experience enriched young volunteers as well as Day centers' children.
"Child's Gate to Learning" board and members continue their work, provide support, prepare applications for foundations, keep in touch with 5 supporting groups in the US and 10 Day centers receiving that support in Lithuania. This year organization is planning to review all the work done and review different aspects of it. This spring organization was surprised with two exciting acknowledgments: it received an unexpected award for 5 years of work and the Kazickas Family Foundation (that also celebrates 20 years of work) informed about its continuous support.
"Child's Gate to Learning" expresses gratitude to The Kazickas Family Foundation and all other supporters for helping Lithuania's youth to become productive citizens of Lithuania.
"Child's Gate to Learning" information