Children of Alexandra Kazickas Lithuanian school presented "the Mitten" to the parents and friends of school during the Christmas celebration. Special guests included Santa, Lucy and Joe Kazickas, Marianne Klepacki, Rasa Mitruleviciene and Rimas Vaicaitis. Thanks to school's wonderful teachers, children enjoyed playing the roles of elves, snowflakes and many forest animals that found a cozy shelter in the mitten, singing Christmas songs and playing games with Santa.
After the performance, school's teachers and parent committee organized Christmas lottery, during which $680 were raised for school's field trip to Northport's John W. Engeman Theater to see "Frosty."
Thirty children ages 3 to 16 attend A. Kazickas Lithuanian school this year. They learn Lithuanian language, history, music and culture taught by seven teachers for four hours per Saturday, 35 Saturdays a year. Since school's opening in 2006, Kazickas Family foundation donated $260,000 to the school.