On January 21st, Neila Baumilienė, Gintė Genender and Aistė Furajevaitė of KFF met with Chief Philanthropy Officer of SharedImpact, Julian Eagles. During the meeting, KFF represenatatives introduced foundation's sponsored program in Lithuania "The Power of Basketball" and possible future educational partnership with Solid Education to Mr. Eagles.
Mr. Eagles shared his experience at SharedImpact and his knowledge regarding philanthropic impact investment. Splitting his time between SharedImpact's offices in London, New York and Honk Kong and always thinking globally, Mr. Eagles was very opened to KFF's idea of empowering high risk underpriviledged children with education and giving them tools to become productive citizens of the world. He underlined the importance of changing a "hand to mouth" model of charitable sector into "continuous circle" model where sponsored program continues running when funding stops.