The Kazickas Family Sacred Music Hours, a series of twelve concerts in St. Casimir's Church in Vilnius and one in St.Francis of Assisi Church in Klaipėda, Lithuania, is spanning from 6/30 until 9/10/2015. On June 30th, in the opening speech Jurate Kazickas, President of the KFF, said:
"I would like to welcome you to this very special concert so kindly organized by prof. L. Digrys and R. Marcinkute Lesieur in memory of my mother Alexandra and my father Joseph Kazickas. My parents loved the music we will hear now. It brought them comfort and happiness and hearing it tonight in this beautiful church with the organ and chorus reminds us of the importance of the spiritual in our lives. Now they are at peace and with God . I miss them very much but so grateful I can honor their memory in their beloved homeland with all of you."