Seven high school students from Lithuania began their studies at the various US independent schools thanks to the ASSIST program. Kazickas Family Foundation works with ASSIST and invests in the Lithuania's future by supporting three students every year.
During a meeting in September, the Kazickas Family decided to continue the Alexandra Kazickas Grant Program for the fifth year in a row. Alexandra Kazickas was deeply committed to the preservation of a Lithuanian identity for young people growing up in the US.
Thanks to Victoria Kazickas' philanthropy choice, the Kazickas Family Foundation bought a noninvasive hemoglobin monitor to the Santariskes children hospital's pediatric oncology center's bone marrow transplant ward. This highly needed machine will ease patients' diagnostics and treatment.
Monday, October 3, Dr. Una Bergmane will present a lecture titled
"The Baltic Exception? Western Recognition of the Restoration of Estonian, Latvian, and Lithuanian Independence in August/September 1991"
at Yale University.
KFF is committed to helping with social issues in Lithuania and organizes social responsibility programs. On September 6th, thanks to recommendations from Ambassadors Ginte Damusyte and dr. Zygimantas Pavilionis, KFF made a request and was kindly invited to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Lithuania, for a meeting with:
Balzekas Museum of Lithuanian Culture is inviting to its exhibit "No Home to Go To - the Story of Baltic Displaced Persons, 1944-1952" at the New York Public Library's branch of Science, October 7 - December 31, 2016.
In October "Basketball Power" program's participants will meet again for the basketball and mentoring lessons at various nooks and crannies of Lithuania.
Last June over 200 program's children and youth, together with their coaches and guests, closed the second program's season with an exciting event in Utena.
Kazickas Family Foundation sponsored Dr. Vilma Makauskiene‘s fellowship at the American Institute for Stuttering where last June she participated at the two week intensive therapy program for people who stutter. Dr. V. Makauskiene is a speech pathologist and psychologist at the Center for Speech and Language Disorders in Kaunas, Lithuania.
One of eleven Dr. Joseph and Alexandra Kazickas' grandchildren, Jack Kazickas, chooses two organizations that focus on children and youth. One of his philanthropy choices, the First Tee of Metropolitan, empowers minority and under-privileged youth to become successful citizens, while another choice, the St. Baldrick's Foundation, gives kids their best chance at happy childhood, free of cancer.
On September 5th, Kazickas Family Foundation representatives and "Transparency Internationa Lithuania had a public consultation "Philanthropy and Civil Society" at the Kazickas Family Residence. Few dozen non-profit organizations, their partners and philanthropists also participated. Everyone was brainstorming what would be the most productive plan to work together.